第十九課: 孫策、玉璽を質に兵を借りる
本文へジャンプ 人名編 

父孫堅(Sun Jian)が非業の死を遂げて以降、孫策(Sun Ce)は袁術(Yuan Shu)
のもとに身を寄せていました。叔父が劉ヨウ(Liu Yao)に攻撃され苦境に立たされていると聞くと孫策は玉璽(Imperial Seal)を質に袁術より兵を借りて出兵します。
このとき孫策の竹馬の友、周公キン(周瑜、Zhou Yu)もかつての孫堅の家臣とともに駆けつけます。孫策が権威の象徴をかなぐり捨てついに立ち上がったのです。

Zhu Zhi 朱治 Lu Fan 呂範 Liu Yao 劉ヨウ
Cheng Pu 程普 Huang Gai 黄蓋 Han Dang 韓当
Zhou Yu 周瑜

Dangyang 丹陽 Runan 汝南  Yangzhou揚州 
Linyang 歴陽  Shucheng舒城
Imperial Seal (伝国の)玉璽(ぎょくじ) 
General Who Exterminates Brigands殄寇将軍(てんこうしょうぐん)

参考吉川英治「三国志」第2巻 草莽の巻、大江の魚


Chapter XV  Taishi Ci Fights With The Little Prince; Sun Ce Cuts Short The White Tiger King.

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。
Here am I, a mere nobody, and yet my father was such a hero!" And he cried out and wept in spite of himself. Then suddenly appeared one who said, laughing loudly, "What is this, Sun Ce? While your noble father enjoyed the light of the sun, he made free use of me. If his son has any difficulty to resolve, why does he not refer it to me also instead of weeping here alone?" Looking at the speaker Sun Ce saw it was Zhu Zhi, a native of Dangyang, who had been in Sun Jian's service. Sun Ce then ceased weeping, and they two sat down. "I was weeping from regret at being unable to continue my father's work," said Sun Ce. "Why stay here bound to the service of a master? The Governor of Dangyang is in distress. Why not get command of an army under the pretense of an expedition to relieve Wu Jing? Escape the shadow of Yuan Shu and take control of Dangyang, then you can accomplish great things."

While these two were talking, another man suddenly entered, saying, "I know what you two are planning, Noble Sirs. Under my hand is a band of one hundred bold fellows ready to help Sun Ce in whatever he wishes to do." The speaker was one of Yuan Shu's advisers named Lu Fan, from Runan. They three then sat and discussed schemes. "The one fear is that Yuan Shu will refuse to give you the troops," said Lu Fan. "I still have the Imperial Hereditary Seal that my father left me: That should be good security." "Yuan Shu earnestly desires that jewel," said Zhu Zhi. "He will certainly lend you troops on that pledge." The three talked over their plans, gradually settling the details.

Not many days after Sun Ce obtained an interview with his patron. Assuming the appearance of deep grief Sun Ce said, "I have been unable to avenge my father. Now the Imperial Protector of Yangzhou, Liu Yao, is opposing my mother's brother, and my mother and her family are in danger in Que. Wherefore I would borrow a few thousands of fighting men to rescue them. As perhaps, Illustrious Sir, you may lack confidence in me, I am willing to deposit the Imperial Hereditary Seal, left me by my late father, as a pledge." "Let me see it if you have it," said Yuan Shu. "I do not want the jewel really, but you may as well leave it with me. I will lend you three thousand troops and five hundred horses. Return as soon as peace can be made. As your rank is hardly sufficient for such powers, I will memorialize to obtain for you higher rank with the title of General Who Exterminates Brigands, and you can soon start." Sun Ce thanked his patron most humbly and soon put the army in motion, taking with him his two new advisers and his father's generals---Zhu Zhi, Lu Fan, Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang, and others.

When Sun Ce reached Linyang, he saw a body of troops in front of him, at their head a dashing leader of handsome and refined mien. As soon as this commander saw Sun Ce, he dismounted and made obeisance. It was Zhou Yu from Shucheng When Sun Jian was opposing the tyrant Dong Zhuo, he moved his family to Shucheng where the Zhou family had lived. And as Zhou Yu and Sun Ce were of the same age all but two months, they became exceedingly good friends and sworn brothers, Sun Ce being the elder in virtue of his two months' seniority. Zhou Yu was on his way to visit Sun Ce's uncle, Governor Wu Jing of Dangyang, when the happy meeting took place. Naturally Sun Ce confided his projects and inmost ideas to his friend, who at once said, "I shall put my whole life and energy to serve you to reach that grand goal.""Now that you have come, the design is as good as accomplished," said Sun Ce.






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