本文へジャンプ 人名編 

呂布(Lu Bu)が劉備(Liu Bei)のもとにいると聞いた曹操(Cao Cao)はこの両者が結びつくことを何とか防止しようと策を練らせます。荀イク(Xun Yu)が提言したのが「両虎競食(りょうこきょうしょく)の計」(Rival Tigers and One Prey)です。これは飢えた2匹の虎にひとつのえさを与えると共に激しく争うように、劉備に徐州(Xuzhou)の牧としての地位を与えるのと引き換えに呂布を殺させようという策です。短気者の張飛(Zhang Fei)がそのことをり呂布にばらしてしまいますが劉備に呂布を殺す意思はなくこの計略は失敗に終わります。

Xun Yu 荀イク  
Rival Tigers and One Pray 両虎競食の計

参考吉川英治「三国志」第2巻 草莽の巻、両虎競食の計


Chapter XIV: Cao Cao Moves The Court To Xuchang; Lu Bu Leads A Night Raid Against Xuzhou.

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。
Then Cao Cao said, "Liu Bei has his army at Xuzhou, and he carries on the administration of the region. Lu Bu fled to Liu Bei when defeated, and Liu Bei gave Lu Bu Xiaopei to live in. If these two agreed to join forces and attack, my position would be most serious. What precautions can be taken?" Then rose Xu Chu, saying, "Give me fifty thousand of picked soldiers, and I will give the Prime Minister both their heads!" Xun Yu said, "O Leader, you are brave, but we must consider the present circumstance. We cannot start a sudden war just as the capital has been changed. However, there is a certain ruse known as 'Rival Tigers and One Prey'. Liu Bei has no decree authorizing him to govern the region. You, Sir Prime Minister, can procure one for him, and when sending it, and so conferring upon him the right in addition to his might, you can enclose a private note telling him to get rid of Lu Bu. If he does, then he will have lost a vigorous warrior from his side, and he could be dealt with as occasions serve. Should he fail, then Lu Bu will slay him. This is the 'Rival Tigers and One Prey' ruse: They wrangle and bite each other." Cao Cao agreed that this was a good plan, so he memorialized for the formal appointment, which he sent to Liu Bei. Liu Bei was created General Who Conquers the East, Lord of Yicheng, and Imperial Protector of Xuzhou as well. At the same time a private note was enclosed.
In Xuzhou, when Liu Bei heard of the change of capital, he began to prepare a congratulatory address. In the midst of this an imperial messenger was announced and was met which all ceremony outside the gate. When the epistle had been reverently received, a banquet was prepared for the messenger. The messenger said, "This decree was obtained for you by Prime Minister Cao Cao." Liu Bei thanked him. Then the messenger drew forth his secret letter. After reading it, Liu Bei said, "This matter can be easily arranged."The banquet over and the messenger conducted to his lodging to seek repose. Liu Bei, before going to rest, called in his councilors to consider the letter. "There need be no compunction about putting him to death," said Zhang Fei. "Lu Bu is a bad man." "But he came to me for protection in his weakness: How can I put him to death? That would be immoral," said Liu Bei. "If he was a good man, it would be difficult," replied Zhang Fei. Liu Bei would not consent. Next day, when Lu Bu came to offer congratulations, he was received as usual. He said, "I have come to felicitate you on the receipt of the imperial bounty." Liu Bei thanked him in due form. But then he saw Zhang Fei draw his sword and come up the hall as if to slay Lu Bu. Liu Bei hastily interfered and stopped Zhang Fei. Lu Bu was surprised and said, "Why do you wish to slay me, Zhang Fei?" "Cao Cao says you are immoral and tells my brother to kill you," shouted Zhang Fei. Liu Bei shouted again and again to Zhang Fei to go away, and he led Lu Bu into the private apartments out of the way. Then he told Lu Bu the whole story and showed him the secret letter. Lu Bu wept as he finished reading, "This is that miscreant's scheme for sowing discord between us." Be not anxious, elder brother," said Liu Bei. "I pledge myself not to be guilty of such an infamous crime." Lu Bu again and again expressed his gratitude, and Liu Bei kept him for a time. They remained talking and drinking wine till late. Asked Guan Yu and Zhang Fei later, "Why not kill him?" Liu Bei said, "Because Cao Cao fears that Lu Bu and I may attack him, he is trying to separate us and get us to swallow each other, while he steps in and takes the advantage. Is there any other reason?" Guan Yu nodded assent, but Zhang Fei said, "I want to get him out of the way, lest he would trouble us later." "That is not what a noble man should do," said his elder brother.






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