本文へジャンプ 人名編 

劉ヨウ(Liu Yao) を倒し、快進撃を続ける小覇王孫策(Sun Ce) に最後まで抵抗したのが太史慈(Taishi Ci) でした。その太史慈も孫策の計にかかり捕らえられてしまいます。孫策の人望に感伏した太史慈は、ちりじりになった劉ヨウ軍より精鋭を集め帰ってまいりましょうと孫策に申し出ます。孫策の家臣は懐疑的でしたが、太史慈は兵千を率い約束の時間に帰ってきます。大史慈の信義の厚さ、孫策の人を見る慧眼を示すこのエピソードは長く人々に語られることとなります。

Taishi Ci 太史慈

(the) Little Prince 小覇王

参考吉川英治「三国志」第2巻 草莽の巻、日時計


Chapter XV  Taishi Ci Fights With The Little Prince; Sun Ce Cuts Short The White Tiger King.

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。
Taishi Ci went on as long as possible, finally halting to rest in a spot surrounded by reeds. Suddenly a tremendous shouting arose. Taishi Ci was just starting when tripping ropes arose all round, his horse was thrown and he found himself a prisoner.
Taishi Ci was taken back to camp. As soon as Sun Ce heard the news, he himself rode out to order the guards to leave the prisoner, whose bonds he loosened with his own hands. Then he took off his own embroidered robe and put it on the captive. They entered the camp together.
"I knew you were a real hero," said Sun Ce. "That worm Liu Yao had no use for such as you, and so he got beaten."
Taishi Ci, overcome by this kindness and good treatment, then formally surrendered.

Sun Ce seized his hand and said, laughing, "If you had taken me at that fight we had near the shrine, would you have killed me?"
"Who can say?" said Taishi Ci smiling.
Sun Ce laughed also and they entered his tent, where Taishi Ci was placed in the seat of honor at a banquet.
Taishi Ci said, "Can you trust me so far as to let me go to muster as many as I can of the soldiers of my late master? Under the smart of this defeat they will turn against him, and they would be a great help to you."
"Exactly what I most desire. I will make an agreement with you that at midday tomorrow you will return."
Taishi Ci agreed and went off. All the generals said he would never return.
"He is trustworthy and will not break his word," said the chief.
None of the officers believed he would come back. But the next day they set up a bamboo rod in the gate of the camp, and just as the shadow marked noon Taishi Ci returned, bringing with him about a thousand troops. Sun Ce was pleased, and his officers had to confess that he had rightly judged his man.





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