第六十四課: 三顧の礼・第一回目の訪問
本文へジャンプ 人名編 

徐庶(Xu Shu)が別れ際に推薦した「臥龍(Sleeping Dragon)」、諸葛亮孔明(Zhuge Liang)に会おうと劉備(Liu Bei)は孔明の庵を訪ねます。いわゆる三顧の礼(Three Visits to Zhuge Liang)の第一回目の訪問となるこの訪問では孔明は不在で、改めて訪問することとします。その当時は孔明を迎えるにあたってあの関羽(Guan Yu)までが冷淡だったのでした。

Zhuge Liang  諸葛亮孔明 Guan Zhong 管仲 
Yue Yi 楽毅 
Water Mirror (Sima Hui) 水鏡先生(司馬徽)
Lu Wang
  呂尚(太公望) Zhang Liang 張良
Zhou Dynasty 周王朝 Han 漢(王朝)
Spring and Autumn 春秋時代 
Warring States Periods
Sleeping Dragon 臥龍
Lord of Yicheng 宜城亭候
Imperial Protector of Yuzhou 領予州の牧
Uncle of the Emperor 皇叔

参考吉川英治「三国志」第4巻 孔明の巻、孔明を訪う


Chapter XXXVII: Sima Hui Recommends A Scholar To Liu Bei;
Liu Bei Pays Three Visits To The Sleeping Dragon Ridge

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。


Now Guan Yu was there. When he heard Zhuge Liang so highly praised, he said, "Guan Zhong* and Yue Yi* are the two most famous leaders mentioned in the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods. They well overtopped the rest of humankind. Is it not a little too much to say that Zhuge Liang compares with these two?"

"In my opinion he should not be compared with these two, but rather with two others," said Water Mirror.

"Who are these two?" asked Guan Yu.

"One of them is Lu Wang, who laid the foundations of the Zhou Dynasty so firmly that it lasted eight hundred years; and the other Zhang Liang, who made the Han glorious for four centuries."

Before the surprise called forth by this startling statement had subsided, Water Mirror walked down the steps and took his leave. Liu Bei would have kept him if he could, but he was obdurate.

As he stalked proudly away, he threw up his head and said, "Though Sleeping Dragon has found his lord, he has not been born at the right time. It is a pity!"

"What a wise hermit!" was Liu Bei's comment.


Liu Bei soon arrived at the door of the retreat, dismounted, and knocked at the rough door of the cottage. A youth appeared and asked what he wanted.

Liu Bei replied, " I am Liu Bei, General of the Han Dynasty, Lord of Yicheng, Imperial Protector of Yuzhou, and Uncle of the Emperor.I am come to salute the Master."

"I cannot remember so many titles," said the lad.

"Then simply say that Liu Bei has come to inquire after him."

"The Master left this morning early."

"Whither has he gone?"

"His movements are very uncertain. I do not know whither he has gone."

"When will he return?"

"That also is uncertain. Perhaps in three days, perhaps in ten."

The disappointment was keen.

"Let us go back, since we cannot see him," said Zhang Fei.

"Wait a little time," said Liu Bei.

"It would be better to return," said Guan Yu, "then we might send to find out when this man had come back."

So Liu Bei agreed, first saying to the boy, "When the Master returns, tell him that Liu Bei has been here."




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