第六十六課上: 三顧の礼、第三回目の訪問
本文へジャンプ 人名編 

臥龍(Sleeping Dragon)こと諸葛亮孔明(Zhuge Liang)を訪ねるのもこれで三回目。ようやく孔明に会えるようです。しかし、今度は昼寝中とか。いらだった張飛(Zhang Fei)は火薬をつけるといきまく始末です。孔明が目覚めました。孔明は失礼をわびると急いで着替え劉備(Liu Bei)たちを接待します。孔明は劉備の民を思う気持ちに打たれるものの、卑下してなかなか本来の姿を見せようとはしません。劉備はいたずらに遊興にふけることなくその力を漢王朝のためにぜひ貸してほしいと説得にかかります。

Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮孔明
Zhuo 涿郡
Uncle of the Emperor 皇叔

参考吉川英治「三国志」第4巻 、孔明の巻:立春大吉


Chapter XXXVI: Zhuge Liang Plans For The Three Kingdoms;
Sun Quan Attacks Xiakou To Take Revenges.


※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

The time passed and still the sleeper did not wake. The two brothers left without, beginning to feel impatient, also came in, and Zhang Fei was annoyed at seeing his revered elder brother respectfully standing by while another slept.

"What an arrogant fellow is this Master?" said he. "There is our brother waiting, while he sleeps on perfectly carelessly. I will go to the back of the place and let off a bomb and see if that will rouse him."

"No, no; you must do nothing of the kind," whispered Guan Yu, and then Liu Bei told them to go out again.

Just then Liu Bei noticed that the Master moved. He turned over as though about to rise, but, instead, he faced the wall and again fell asleep. The serving lad made as if he would rouse his master, but Liu Bei forbade him to be disturbed, and Liu Bei waited yet another weary hour.Then Zhuge Liang woke up repeating to himself the lines:
"Can any know what fate is his?
Yet have I felt throughout my life,
The day would come at last to quit
The calm retreat for toil and strife."

As he finished, he turned to the lad, saying, "Have any of the usual people come?"

"Liu Bei, the Uncle of the Emperor is here," said the boy. "He has been waiting a long time."

"Why did you not tell me?" said he, rising from the couch. "I must dress."

Zhuge Liang rose and turned into a room behind to dress. In a short time he reappeared, his clothing properly arranged, to receive his visitor.

Then Liu Bei saw coming toward him a young man of medium height with a refined face. He wore a head-wrap and a long crane-white gown. He moved with much dignity as though he was rather more than mortal.

Liu Bei bowed, saying, " I am one of the offshoots of the Han family, a simple person from Zhuo.I have long known the Master's fame, which has indeed thundered in my ear. Twice I have come to visit you, without success. Once I left my name on your writing table. You may have my note."

Zhuge Liang replied, "This hermit is but a dilatory person by temperament. I know I have to thank you for more than one vain visit, and I am ashamed to think of them."

These courteous remarks and the proper bows exchanged, the two men sat in their relative positions as host and guest, and the serving lad brought tea.

Then Zhuge Liang said, "From your letter I know that you grieve for both people and government. If I were not so young and if I possessed any talent, I would venture to question you."

Liu Bei replied, " Sima Hui and Xu Shu have both spoken of you. Can it be that their words were vain?I trust, O Master, that you will not despise my worthlessness but will condescend to instruct me."

"The two men you speak of are very profound scholars. I am but a peasant, a mere farmer, and who am I that I should talk of empire politics? Those two misled you when they spoke of me. Why do you reject the beautiful jewel for a worthless pebble?"

" But your abilities are world embracing and marvelous.How can you be content to allow time to pass while you idle away life in these secluded haunts? I conjure you, O Master, to remember the inhabitants of the empire and remove my crass ignorance by bestowing instruction upon me."





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