第六十二課: 徐庶、劉備に「臥龍」孔明を推挙する
本文へジャンプ 人名編 

劉備(Liu Bei)は徐庶(Xu Shu)を参謀にすえ、ようやく士を得たりと思ったのもつかの間、
曹操(Cao Cao)側の計略により、徐庶は母の偽手紙にとるものもとりあえず母のもとに向かおうとします。別れ際に徐庶は諸葛亮孔明(Zhuge Liang)なる人物を劉備に推薦します。

徐庶の話ではかなりの人物のようです。孔明こそが水鏡先生(Water Mirror)の言っていた臥龍(Sleeping Dragon)だったのでした。劉備は自ら孔明を訪ねることを決意します。

Xu Shu 徐庶 Lu Wang 呂尚(太公望) Zhang Liang 張良
Guan Zhong 管仲  Yue Yi 楽毅 Liu Biao 劉表
Zhuge Feng  諸葛豊 Zhuge Gui 諸葛桂 
Zhuge Xuan
諸葛玄 Zhuge Jun 諸葛均
Xiangyang 襄陽  Nanyang 南陽
Zhou 周(王朝) Han

参考吉川英治「三国志」第4巻 孔明の巻、立つ鳥の声


Chapter XXXVI: Shan Fu's Strategy: Fankou Is Captured; Xu Shu's Affection: Zhuge Liang Is Recommended.

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

赤字部分には語句解説があります。太字は今課の必須表現です。                    語句解説

Liu Bei dismounted, took Xu Shu by the hands, and said, "Alas! We part. Each goes his way, and who knows if we shall meet again?"

His tears fell like rain and Xu Shu wept also. But the last goodbyes were said. When the traveler had gone, Liu Bei stood gazing after the little party and watched it slowly disappear. At the last glimpse he broke into lamentation.

"He is gone! What shall I do?"

One of the trees shut out the traveler from his sight, and Liu Bei pointed at it, saying, "Wish that I could cut down every tree in the countryside!"

"Why?" said his officers.

"Because they hinder my sight of Xu Shu."

Suddenly they saw Xu Shu galloping back.

Said Liu Bei, "He is returning: Can it he that he is going to stay?"

So he hastened forward to meet Xu Shu, and when they got near enough, he cried, "This return is surely for no slight reason."

Checking his horse, Xu Shu said, " In the turmoil of my feelings, I forgot to say one word.There is a person of wonderful skill living about seven miles from the city of Xiangyang. Why not seek him?"

"Can I trouble you to ask him to visit me?"

"He will not condescend to visit you. You must go to him. But if he consents, you will be as fortunate as the Zhou when they got the aid of Lu Wang*, or the Han when Zhang Liang* came to help."

"How does the unknown compare with yourself?"

"With me? Compared with him I am as a worn-out carthorse to a palomino, an old duck to a phoenix. This man often compares himself with the ancient sages Guan Zhong* and Yue Yi* but, in my opinion, he is far their superior. He has the talent to measure the heavens and mete the earth. He is a man who overshadows every other in the world."

"I would know his name."

"He belongs to Langye, and his name is Zhuge Liang. He is of the family of the former General Zhuge Feng. His father, Zhuge Gui, was the Deputy Governor of Taishan but died young, and the young fellow went with his uncle Zhuge Xuan to Jingzhou. Imperial Protector Liu Biao was an old friend of his uncle, and Zhuge Liang became settled in Xiangyang. Then his uncle died, and he and his younger brother, Zhuge Jun, returned to their farm in Nanyang and worked as farmers. They used to amuse themselves with the composition of songs in the Liangfu style.

"On their land was a ridge of hills called the Sleeping Dragon, and the elder of the brothers took it as a name and called himself Master Sleeping Dragon. This is your man. He is a veritable genius. You ought really to visit him. And if he will help you, you need feel no more anxiety about peace in the empire."

"Water Mirror spoke that time of two persons, Sleeping Dragon and Young Phoenix, and said if only one of them could be got to help me all would be well. Surely he, whom you speak of, is one of them."

"Young Phoenix is Pang Tong of Xiangyang, and Sleeping Dragon is Zhuge Liang."




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