第九十八課: 関羽、華容道[かようどう]で曹操を見逃す
本文へジャンプ 人名編 

赤壁[せきへき]の戦い(The Battle of Chibi)で劉備(Liu Bei)、孫権(Sun Quan)の連合軍に壊滅的敗北を喫した曹操(Cao Cao)は必死で逃亡しようとしますがあちらこちらから追撃の嵐が舞い、ついに命運尽きようとしていた時でした。脇道の華容道[かようどう]( Huarongdao)より[いち][ばち]かの逃亡を企てる曹操軍の前に立ちはだかったのが関羽(Guan Yu)でした。 関羽はかつて捕らえたときの温情を忘れてはいまい。曹操は関羽の前で命乞いをするのでした。関羽は私情を挟むまいとするのですが、惨めな敗北の姿を見せる曹操の前にとどめをさすことはできなかったのでした。 この華容道[かようどう]の逸話は関羽の忠義深さを称える例として長く歴史に刻まれることとなります。諸葛亮孔明(Zhuge Liang) は曹操がここを通るところまでは予見していましたが関羽に対する理解は曹操が[まさ]ったのでした。孔明の曹操を取り逃がした悔しさは後の課で見てみることとします。

Cheng Yu 程c(ていいく) Yu Gong ユ公 Zi Zhuo 子濯(したく)
Huarongdao華容道[かようどう](英文ではbye way(脇道)と表現されている)Baima 白馬(の戦い)  five passes五関[ごかん]
green dragon saber 青龍偃月刀[せいりゅうえんげつとう] Six Generals 六将 Red Hare 赤兎馬[せきとば] 

参考吉川英治「三国志」第5巻 望蜀(ぼうしょく)の巻、功なき関羽


Chapter L Zhuge Liang Foresees The Huarong Valley Episode;
           Guan Yu Lifts His Saber To Release Cao Cao.

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

赤字部分には語句解説があります。太字はこの課の必須表現です。                    語句解説

Cao Cao had not finished this speech when the explosion of a bomb broke the silence, and a company of five hundred troops with swords in their hands appeared and barred the way. The leader was Guan Yu, holding his green-dragon saber, bestriding the Red Hare. At this sight, the spirits of Cao Cao's soldiers left them, and they gazed into each others' faces in panic.

"Now we have but one course," said Cao Cao. "We must fight to the death."

"How can we?" said the officers. "Though the leaders may have some strength left, the horses are spent."

Cheng Yu said, "I have always heard that Guan Yu is haughty to the proud but kindly to the humble; he despises the strong, but is gentle with the weak. He discriminates between love and hate and is always righteous and true.You, O Prime Minister, have shown him kindness in the past. If you will remind him of that, we shall escape this evil."

Cao Cao agreed to try. He rode out to the front, bowed low and said, "General, I trust you have enjoyed good health."

"I had orders to await you, O Prime Minister," replied Guan Yu, bowing in return, "and I have been expecting you these many days."

"You see before you one Cao Cao---defeated and weak. I have reached a sad pass, and I trust you, O General, will not forget the kindness of former days."

"Though indeed you were kind to me in those days, yet I slew your enemies for you and relieved the siege of Baima. As to the business of today, I cannot allow private feelings to outweigh public duty."

" Do you remember my six generals, slain at the five passes?The noble person values righteousness.You are well versed in the histories and must recall the action of Yu Gong, the archer, when he released his master Zi Zhuo, for he determined not to use Zi Zhuo's teaching to kill Zi Zhuo."

Guan Yu was indeed a very mountain of goodness and could not forget the great kindness he had received at Cao Cao's hands, and the magnanimity Cao Cao had shown over the deeds at the five passes. He saw the desperate straits to which his benefactor was reduced, and tears were very near to the eyes of both. He could not press Cao Cao hard.

He pulled at the bridle of his steed and turned away saying to his followers, "Break up the formation!"





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