第六十一課: 偽手紙
本文へジャンプ 人名編 

曹操(Cao Cao)は曹仁(Cao Ren)の敗戦を責めず、劉備(Liu Bei)軍の軍師単福(Shan Fu)について情報を得ようとします。程昱(Cheng Yu)はその軍師と同郷で、その単福の素性について曹操に語ります。実は単福とは偽名であり本名は徐庶(Xu Shu)で昔、友人の仇を討ったことから役人に追われる身となりついには素性を隠し各地を放浪するようになりました。水鏡先生(Water Mirror)こと司馬徽(Sima Hui)のもとで学問を学び今では司馬徽と盛んに議論しているとのこと。それを聞いた曹操は徐庶をなんとしても自分の配下にしたいと思うようになりました。程昱は徐庶の母を呼び、親切に尽くして、信用を得ながら、徐庶の母の筆跡をまねた偽手紙を書き、徐庶のもとへ送ったのでした。

Shan Fu 単福(ぜんふく) Cao Ren 曹仁
Cheng Yu
程昱 Emperor Ling 霊帝 
Sima Hui
司馬徽(水鏡先生) Lady Xun 徐庶の母
Yingchuan 潁川(えいせん) Xinye 新野

参考吉川英治「三国志」第4巻 孔明の巻、徐庶とその母


If you sent and got his mother here and told her to write and summon her son, he would surely come. Cheng Yu(程昱)



Chapter XXXVI: Shan Fu's Strategy: Fankou Is Captured; Xu Shu's Affection: Zhuge Liang Is Recommended   (第三十六話:単福(ぜんふく)計をもって樊城を奪う。母思いの徐庶、孔明を薦める

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

"That was Shan Fu," said Cao Ren.

"Who is he?" asked Cao Cao.

Cheng Yu said, "The man is not Shan Fu. When young this man was fond of fencing and used to take up the quarrels of other people and avenge their wrongs. At the end of Emperor Ling, he killed a man to avenge his friend, and then he let down his hair, muddled his face, and was trying to escape when a lictor caught him and questioned him. He would not reply. So they carted him through the streets beating a drum and asking if anyone recognized him. Nobody dared own to knowing him, even if they did so. However, his comrades managed to release him secretly, and he ran away under some other name. Then he turned to study and wandered hither and thither wherever scholars were to be found. He was a regular disputant with Sima Hui. His real name is Xu Shu and he comes from Yingchuan. Shan Fu is merely an assumed name."

"How does he compare with yourself?" asked Cao Cao.

"Ten times cleverer."

"It is a pity. If able people gather to Liu Bei, his wings will soon grow. What is to be done?"

"Xu Shu is there now. But if you wanted him, it would not be difficult to call him," replied Cheng Yu. "How could I make him come?" said Cao Cao.

"He is noted for his affection for his mother. His father died young, leaving his mother a widow with one other son. Now that son is dead, and his mother, Lady Xun, has no one to care for her. If you sent and got his mother here and told her to write and summon her son, he would surely come."
She was given quarters and cared for. Daily Cheng Yu went to ask after her health, falsely claiming to being a sworn brother of her son's, and so entitled to serve her and treat her as a filial son would have done. He often sent her gifts and wrote letters to her so that she had to write in reply. And thereby he learned her handwriting so that he could forge a "home" letter. When he could do this without fear of detection, he wrote one and sent it by the hand of a trusty person to Xinye.





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