本文へジャンプ 人名編 

許田(Xutian)の狩りで曹操(Cao Cao)が帝の矢を奪うと鹿を射止めたのを見た関羽(Guan Yu)は曹操の無礼な振る舞いに刀で切りかかろうとまでしましたが劉備(Liu Bei)に止められます。帝は曹操の振る舞いに憤激し、密かに曹操暗殺の勅(decree)を董承(Dong Cheng)に与えた玉帯(Imperial Girdle)の中に隠します。曹操暗殺の連判状にはさらに王子服(Wang Zifu)、チュウ輯(Chong Ji)、呉碩(Wu Shi),呉子蘭(Wu Zilan)が判を押し、西涼の太守馬騰(Ma Teng)もその連判状(pledge)に身を連ねます。馬騰はさらに皇叔の劉備を推薦します。劉備は董承より帝の密勅を見せられ、判を押します。これを聞いた関羽や張飛(Zhang Fei)は男泣きに泣くのでした。

Dong Cheng 董承 Wang Zifu 王子服 
Chong Ji チュウ輯 Wu Shi 呉碩 
Wu Zilan 呉子蘭 
Ma Teng 馬騰


参考吉川英治「三国志」第3巻 臣道の巻、鶏鳴


Chapter XXI: In A Plum Garden, Cao Cao Discusses Heroes;
Using The Host's Forces, Guan Yu Takes Xuzhou.

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

They dispersed. Next day after dark Dong Cheng went to Liu Bei's lodging taking with him the decree. As soon as Dong Cheng was announced, Liu Bei came to greet him and led him into a private room where they could talk freely. The two younger brothers were there as well.

"It must be something unusually important that has brought Uncle Dong Cheng here tonight," said Liu Bei.

"If I had ridden forth by daylight, Cao Cao might have suspected something, so I came by night."

Wine was brought in, and while they were drinking, Dong Cheng said, "Why did you check your brother the other day at the hunt, when he was going to attack Cao Cao?"

Liu Bei was startled and said, "How did you know?"

"Nobody noticed but I saw."

Liu Bei could not prevaricate and said, "It was the presumption of the man that made my brother so angry. Guan Yu could not help it."

The visitor covered his face and wept.

"Ah," said he, "if all the court ministers were like Guan Yu, there would be no sighs for lack of tranquillity."

Now Liu Bei felt that possibly Cao Cao had sent his visitor to try him, so he cautiously replied, "Where are the sighs for lack of tranquillity while Cao Cao is at the head of affairs?"

Dong Cheng changed color and rose from his seat.

"You, Sir, are a relative of His Majesty, and so I showed you my inmost feelings. Why did you mislead me?"

But Liu Bei said, "Because I feared you might be misleading me, and I wanted to find out."

At this Dong Cheng drew out the decree he had received and showed it. His host was deeply moved. Then Dong Cheng produced the pledge. There were only six names to it, and these were Dong Cheng, Wang Zifu, Chong Ji, Wu Shi, Wu Zilan, and Ma Teng.

"Since you have a decree like this, I cannot but do my share," said Liu Bei, and at Dong Cheng's request he added his name and signature to the others and handed it back.





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