本文へジャンプ 人名編 

呂布(Lu Bu)の機知で、何とか危機を乗り切ったかに見えた劉備(Liu Bei)ですが呂布を毛嫌いするあの張飛(Zhang Fei)が呂布の馬を盗んでしまいます。立腹した呂布は劉備を攻めますが呂布の参謀陳宮(Chen Gong)は劉備を撃つ絶好の機会として、劉備の謝罪を受け付けませんでした。したがって劉備らは曹操(Cao Cao)のいる許昌(Xuchang)へ逃れるのが精一杯でした。人徳によって得た徐州(Xuzhou)でしたが思わぬ軽率な行動により国を失ってしまいます。まだ諸葛亮孔明(Zhuge Liang)の現れる10年も前の話です。

Chen Gong 陳宮 Mi Zhu 麋竺 Sun Qian 孫乾 
Zhang Liao 張遼 Gao Shun 高順
Xiaopei 小沛

参考吉川英治「三国志」第2巻 草莽の巻、馬盗人


Chapter XVI  In The Camp Gate, Lu Bu Shoots The Halberd; At River Yu, Cao Cao Suffers A Defeat..

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

Lu Bu was very angry at this and began to prepare an expedition against Xiaopei. When Liu Bei heard that an attack threatened, he led out his army to oppose it, and the two armies were arrayed.
Liu Bei rode to the front and said, "Elder brother, why have you brought an army against me?"
Lu Bu began abusing him, saying, "That shot of mine at the Archery Feast saved you from grave danger. Why then did you steal my horses?"
"I wanted horses and I sent out to buy them. Should I dare to take yours?" said Liu Bei.
"You stole a hundred and fifty in the person of your brother Zhang Fei. You only used another man's hand."
Thereupon Zhang Fei, with his spear set, rode out, saying, "Yes! I stole your good horses, and what more do you expect?"
Lu Bu replied, "You goggled-eyed thief! You are always treating me with contempt!"
"Yes! I took your horses and you get angry. You did not say any thing when you stole my brother's Xuzhou!"
Lu Bu rode forward to give battle, and Zhang Fei advanced. A reckless fight began, and the two warriors kept it up for a hundred bouts without a decisive stroke. Then Liu Bei, fearing some accident to his brother, hastily beat the gongs as a signal to retire and led his army into the city. Lu Bu then invested it.
Liu Bei called his brother and chided him as the cause of all this misfortune.
"Where are the horses?" said Liu Bei.
"In some of the temples and courts," replied Zhang Fei.
Liu Bei sent a messenger out to speak softly and offer to restore the stolen horses if hostilities were to cease. Lu Bu was disposed to agree but Chen Gong opposed.
"You will suffer by and by if you do not remove this Liu Bei."
Under Chen Gong's influence the request for peace was rejected, and the attackers on the city pressed harder.
Liu Bei called Mi Zhu and Sun Qian to him to ask advice.
Said Sun Qian, "The one person that Cao Cao detests is Lu Bu. Let us then abandon the city and take refuge with Cao Cao, from whom we may borrow troops to destroy him."
"If we try to get away, who will lead the van?"
"I will do my best," said Zhang Fei.
So Zhang Fei led the way; Guan Yu was rearguard; and in the center was Liu Bei with the non-fighting portion. The cavalcade started and went out at the north gate under the bright moon. They met opposition from Song Xian and Wei Xu's men, but the soldiers were driven off by Zhang Fei, and the besieging force was passed without difficulty. Zhang Liao pursued, but was held off by Guan Yu's rearguard. It seemed Lu Bu was not dissatisfied at the flight, for he took no personal trouble to prevent it. He made formal entry into the city, settled local affairs, and appointed Gao Shun as Governor.





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