本文へジャンプ 人名編 

玉璽(Imperial Seal)を手に入れた袁術(Yuan Shu)はまず劉備(Liu Bei)を除こうと協力の見返りとして呂布(Lu Bu)に多大の贈り物をし、直後に紀霊(Ji Ling)将軍率いる大軍を徐州(Xuzhou)に差し向けます。自分と劉備との離間策であることを見抜いた呂布は劉備と紀霊将軍との間の仲裁を図ります。150歩離れた方天画戟(Halberd)に矢が命中したら神の声として停戦せよと両者に迫ります。矢は見事命中し、劉備は結果的に命拾いしたのでした。後世の人々は「神の弓」と呂布の弓捌きを称賛したのことです。

Ji Ling 紀霊
Long-Ears 大耳児(劉備のあだ名)  halberd 画戟


参考吉川英治「三国志」第2巻 草莽の巻、平和主義者


Chapter XV  In The Camp Gate, Lu Bu Shoots The Halberd; At River Yu, Cao Cao Suffers A Defeat..

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。
"I know how to make both of them love me," said Lu Bu.
So he sent invitations to both Liu Bei and Ji Ling to come to a banquet.
Liu Bei was for accepting the invitation and going, but his brothers dissuaded him, saying, "There is some treachery in his heart."
"I have treated him too well for him to do me any harm," said Liu Bei.
So he mounted and rode away, the two brothers following. They came to the camp.
The host said, "Now by a special effort I have got you out of danger. I hope you will not forget that when you come into your own."
Liu Bei thanked him heartily and was invited to take a seat. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei took up their usual place as guards.
But when Ji Ling was announced, Liu Bei felt a spasm of fear and got up to go away.
"You two are invited for the particular purpose of a discussion," said the host. "Do not take it amiss."
Liu Bei, being quite ignorant of his intentions, was very uneasy. Presently his fellow guest entered. Seeing Liu Bei in the tent, and in the seat of honor, Ji Ling was puzzled, hesitated and tried to withdraw. But the attendants prevented this and Lu Bu, advancing, laid hold of him and drew him into the tent as if he had been a child.
"Do you wish to slay me?" asked Ji Ling.
"Not at all," replied Lu Bu.
"Then you are going to slay Long-Ears?"
"No, not that."
"Then what does it mean?"
"Liu Bei and I are brothers. Now, General, you are besieging him, and so I have come to the rescue."
"Then slay me," said Ji Ling.
"There would be no sense in that. All my life I have disliked fighting and quarrels, but have loved making peace. And now I want to settle the quarrel between you two."
"May I ask how you think of doing so?"
"I have a means and one approved of Heaven itself."
Then Lu Bu drew Ji Ling within the tent and led him up to Liu Bei. The two men faced each other, full of mutual suspicion, but their host placed himself between them and they took their seats, Liu Bei on the right hand of the host.
The banquet began. After a number of courses almost in silence, Lu Bu spoke, saying, "I wish you two gentlemen to listen to me and put an end to your strife."
Liu Bei made no reply, but Ji Ling said, "I have come with an army of one hundred thousand at the express bidding of my master to take Liu Bei. How can I cease the strife? I must fight."
"What!" exclaimed Zhang Fei drawing his sword. "Few as we are, we regard you no more than a lot of children. What are you compared with a million Yellow Scarves? You dare hurt our brother!"
Guan Yu urged him to be silent, saying, "Let us see what General Lu Bu has to say first. After that there will be time to go to our tents and fight."
"I beg you both to come to an understanding. I cannot let you fight," said Lu Bu.
Now on one side Ji Ling was discontented and angry; on the other Zhang Fei was dying for a fight; and neither of the two chiefly concerned would signify assent.
Then suddenly the host turned to his attendants, saying, "Bring my trident halberd!"
They did so, and he sat there gripping that graceful but effective weapon in his right hand. Both guests felt very ill at ease and turned pale.
Lu Bu went on, saying, "I have tried to persuade you to make peace, for that is the command of the Most High. It shall be put to the test."
He then bade his servants take the halberd outside beyond the gate and set it up.
Then speaking to his two guests, he said, "That gate is one hundred and fifty paces distant. If I can hit that left branch of the halberd-head with an arrow, you will both withdraw your armies. If I miss, you can go away and prepare for immediate battle. I shall stand against either of you who does not abide by what I say."
Ji Ling thought to himself, "That small mark at that distance! How could anyone hit it?"
So he assented, thinking he would have plenty of fighting after his host had missed the mark. Of course Liu Bei was willing.
They all sat down again and wine was served. When this had been drunk, the host called for his bow and arrows. Liu Bei silently prayed that Lu Bu would hit the mark.
Lu Bu turned back his sleeves, carefully fitted an arrow to the string and pulled the bow to its utmost stretch. A slight exclamation escaped him as the bow curved like the harvest moon sailing through the sky. "Twang!" went the bowstring, and the arrow sped like a falling star. And it struck the slender tongue of the halberd head full and square. A roar of acclamation from all sides greeted the exploit.


第二十課← ⇒第二十二課



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