本文へジャンプ 人名編 

劉備(Liu Bei)に歓待されて呂布(Lu Bu)も次第に尊大になるいつもの悪い癖が出てきはじめました。劉備を義弟と呼び始めると張飛(Zhang Fei)はもう堪忍袋の緒が切れました。両者場外乱闘となりかけましたが劉備はこれを何とか収めます。これは張飛対呂布の戦場外乱闘の幕開けに過ぎなかったのですが。。。

Liu Bei 劉備 Lu Bu 呂布 Zhang Fei 張飛
Guan Yu 関羽
Xiaopei 小沛

参考吉川英治「三国志」第2巻 群星の巻、愚兄と賢弟


Chapter XIII: Li Jue and Guo Si Duel In Changan; the Emperor Establishes Anyi The New Capital

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。
As soon as convenient, Lu Bu returned the feast. Liu Bei went with his two brothers. Half through the banquet Lu Bu requested Liu Bei to retire to one of the inner private rooms, whither Guan Yu and Zhang Fei followed him. There Lu Bu bade his wife and daughter bow as to their benefactor. Here also Liu Bei showed excessive modesty. Lu Bu said, "Good younger brother, you need not be so very modest." Zhang Fei heard what Lu Bu said, and his eyes glared, shouting, "What sort of a man are you that dares call our brother 'younger brother'? He is one of the ruling family---a jade leaf on a golden branch. Come out, and I will fight you three hundred bouts for the insult!"
Liu Bei hastily checked the impulsive one, and Guan Yu persuaded him to go away. Then Liu Bei apologized, saying, "My poor brother talks wildly after he has been drinking. I hope you will not blame him." Lu Bu nodded, but said nothing. Soon after the guests departed. But as the host escorted Liu Bei to his carriage, he saw Zhang Fei galloping up armed as for a fray. "Lu Bu, you and I will fight that duel of three hundred bouts!" shouted Zhang Fei.
Liu Bei bade Guan Yu check him. Next day Lu Bu came to take leave of his host. "You, O Lord, kindly received me, but I fear your brothers and I cannot agree. So I will seek some other asylum." "General, if you go, the blame is mine. My rude brother has offended and must eventually apologize. In the meantime what think you of a temporary sojourn at the town where I was encamped for some time, Xiaopei? The place is small and mean, but it is near, and I will see to it that you are supplied with all you need." Lu Bu thanked him and accepted this offer. He led his troops there and took up residence. After he had gone, Liu Bei reproved Zhang Fei for what he did, and Zhang Fei did not again refer to the matter.






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