本文へジャンプ 人名編 

劉備(Liu Bei)は曹操(Cao Cao)暗殺の密勅へ血判を押して以来、何事にも用心深くなります。前の課での雷を恐れるしぐさもそうした深謀遠慮の産物だったのでした。劉備はかつて世話になった公孫サン(Gongsun Zan)が袁紹(Yuan Shao)に滅ぼされた話を聞くと、恩人の敵を討つため袁術(Yuan Shu)が袁紹と手を結ぶことを防止いたしましょうと申し出でます。劉備は曹操より兵を借りると許昌(Xuchang)を去り、徐州(Xuzhou)へと戻ることとします。心配した董承(Dong Cheng)は劉備の真意を探りますが劉備は「これもその計画実現の一歩だ」と董承をなだめます。劉備は張飛、関羽に曹操の下にいた時は「かごの中の鳥(a bird in a cage)」のような心境であったと打ち明けます。
Gongsun Zan 公孫サン Zhao Yun 趙雲 
Yuan Shu 袁術  Zhu Ling 朱霊  Lu Zhao 路昭
Dong Cheng 董承 
Xuzhou 徐州
what His Majesty requires of us 陛下の御心(曹操暗殺計画のこと)

参考吉川英治「三国志」第3巻 臣道の巻、兇門脱出


Chapter XXI: In A Plum Garden, Cao Cao Discusses Heroes;
            Using The Host's Forces, Guan Yu Takes Xuzhou

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

It was a sad story, and Liu Bei remembered with sorrow that, in the days of success and prosperity, the dead chieftain, Gongsun Zan, had pushed his interest and shown him much kindness.Moreover he was anxious to know the fate of Zhao Yun.

In his heart he thought, "What better chance am I likely to get of setting myself free?"

So Liu Bei rose and said to Cao Cao, "If Yuan Shu goes over to join his brother, he will surely pass through Xuzhou. I beg you to give me an army with which to smite him on the way. That will finish Yuan Shu."

"Memorialize the Emperor tomorrow, and I will give you an army," said Cao Cao.

So next day Liu Bei went to an audience, and Cao Cao gave him command of fifty thousand horse and foot, and sent Generals Zhu Ling and Lu Zhao with him.

At parting with Liu Bei, the Emperor shed tears.

As soon as Liu Bei reached his lodging, he set about preparations for immediate departure, taking his seal as General and preparing his weapons. Dong Cheng went three miles away from the city to bid him farewell.

"You must not mind my going. This journey will assuredly help on the scheme," said Liu Bei.

"Keep your mind fixed on that," said Dong Cheng, "and never forget what His Majesty requires of us."

They parted. Presently his brothers asked him why he was in such a hurry to get away.

Liu Bei replied, "I have been a bird in a cage, a fish in a net. This is like the fish regaining the open sea and the bird soaring into the blue sky. I suffered much from the confinement."





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