本文へジャンプ 人名編 

袁術(Yuan Shu)の皇帝詐称を黙っていなかったのが曹操(Cao Cao)でした。劉備( Liu Bei)、呂布(Lu Bu)、孫策(Sun Ce)らと組み袁術討伐のため自らも十七万の大軍を差し伸べます。当初簡単に見えた寿春(Shouchun)攻略は食糧難のため曹操軍は糧食に事欠く有様でした。食料庫の管理者王垢(Wang Hou)は曹操に助言を求めますが「小さなますを使うがよい」と当座の手しのぎが精一杯でした。兵士の不平は頂点に達し、曹操は「お前の首を借りたい、兵士の不平を鎮めるにはこれしかない」と王垢の首をはね、さらし首にします。この王垢の悲劇はどこか企業社会の中間管理職の悲劇とダブります。

Ren Jun 任峻 Wang Hou 王垢
Shouchun 寿春
Prime Minister 丞相

参考吉川英治「三国志」第3巻 草莽の巻、空腹、満腹


Chapter XVII: Yuan Shu Marches Out Seven Armies; Cao Cao And Three Generals Join Forces.

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

Cao Cao's army of one hundred seventy thousand needed daily a considerable quantity of food; and as the country around had been famine-stricken for several years, nothing could be got there. So he tried to hasten the military operations and capture the city. On the other hand, the defenders knew the value of delay and simply held on. After a month's vigorous siege, the fall of Shouchun seemed as far off as it was at first, and supplies were very short. Letters were sent to Sun Ce who sent a hundred thousand carts of grain. When the usual distribution became impossible, the Chief of the Commissariat, Ren Jun, and the Controller of the Granaries, Wang Hou, presented a statement asking what was to be done.

"Serve out with a smaller measure," said Cao Cao. "That will save us for a time."

"But if the soldiers murmur, what then?"

"I shall have another device."

As ordered the controller issued grain in a short measure. Cao Cao sent secretly to find out how the army took this; and when he found that complaints were general and the soldiers were saying that the Prime Minister was fooling them, he sent a secret summons to the controller.

When Wang Hou came, Cao Cao said, "I want to ask you to lend me something to pacify the soldiers with. You must not refuse."

"What does the Prime Minister wish?"

"I want the loan of your head to expose to the soldiery."

"But I have done nothing wrong!" exclaimed the unhappy man.

"I know that, but if I do not put you to death, there will be a mutiny. After you are gone, your wife and children shall be my care. So you need not grieve on their account."

Wang Hou was about to remonstrate further, but Cao Cao gave a signal. The executioners hustled Wang Hou out, and he was beheaded. His head was exposed on a tall pole, and a notice said, "In accordance with military law, Wang Hou had been put to death for peculation and the use of a short measure in issuing grain."

This appeased the discontent


第二十五課←    →第二十七課



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