本文へジャンプ 人名編 

袁術(Yuan Shu)は孫策(Sun Ce)より兵の質として預かった玉璽(Imperial Seal)を利用してついに皇帝を名乗るまでになります。側近の部下はあまりにも恐れ多いと反対するのですが、袁術は聞き入れません。そして逆らうものをことごとく厳罰に処したのでした。結果的にこれが袁術の滅亡を呼び込むこととなります。今課では古代王朝の名前に注目しましょう。

The Supreme Ancestor 高祖(漢王朝の祖劉邦
King Wen 文王(殷を滅ぼした武王の父)
King Shun
The South of River Huai 淮南
Zhou Dynasty 周王朝 Han Dynasty 漢王朝 
Shang Dynasty 殷王朝(当時は商(Shang)と呼んでいた)

参考吉川英治「三国志」第2巻 草莽の巻、陳大夫


Chapter XVII: Yuan Shu Marches Out Seven Armies; Cao Cao And Three Generals Join Forces.

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

The south of River Huai was very fruitful, and Yuan Shu, as governor of such a large territory, was very influential. He was not a little puffed up. The possession of the Imperial Hereditary Seal, pledged by Sun Ce, added to his pride. And he seriously thought of assuming the full style.
As a preliminary he assembled all his officers and addressed them thus: "The Supreme Ancestor, the Founder of Han Dynasty, was only a very minor official, and yet he became ruler of the empire. The dynasty has endured four centuries, and its measure of fortune has run out. It no longer possesses authority; the cauldron is on the point of boiling over. My family has held the highest offices of state for four generations and is universally respected. Wherefore I wish, in response to the will of Heaven and the desire of the people, to assume the Imperial Dignity. What think ye of the proposal, my officers?"
Secretary Yan Xiang rose in opposition at once, saying, "You may not do this. King Wen, the Ancestor of the Zhou, was of distinguished virtue and held many offices. Till the last years of Shang Dynasty, he had two thirds of the empire. Still he served and was loyal to the ruling house. Your house is honorable, but it is not so glorious as that of Zhou. The Hans may be reduced, but they are not so abominably cruel as those of the Shang Dynasty that they are to be overthrown. Indeed this should not be done."
Yuan Shu did not hear this with pleasure.
Said he, "We Yuans came from the Chen family, the same ancestry with King Shun. By the rule of interpreting the signs of fate, the day has come when earth (Chen) receives fire (Liu). Beside there is an oracle saying, 'One who replaces the Hans must wade through deep mire.' My name means 'the high road.' It fits exactly. Further than this, I possess the Imperial Hereditary Seal and must become lord of all, or I turn from Heaven's own way. Finally, I have made up my mind, so if anyone says too much, that person will simply suffer death."
Yuan Shu arrogated himself the insignia of royalty and assigned Second Glory the reign title. He set up officials with titles only given by an emperor, and rode in a chariot decorated with the dragon and phoenix, and offered sacrifices after the manner of an emperor in the north and south suburbs. Also he appointed the daughter of Feng Fang his Empress and his son Heir Apparent, and he pressed for the early wedding of Lu Bu's daughter with his son so that the Palace entourage might be complete.





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