趙雲子龍(Zhao Yun, Zhao Zilong)初登場の場面です。袁紹(Yuan Shao)と戦っている公孫サン(Gongsun Zan)が危機一髪のそのときに救援に現れた勇将。趙雲子龍と名乗る若者は後に劉備(Liu Bei)に仕えることになります。漢王朝が実質的に崩壊し、時代は日本の戦国時代のような群雄割拠へと移り変わり、各地で勢力争いが繰り返されます。

Zhao Yun, Zhao Zilong: 趙雲子龍 Wen Chou: 文醜 
Yuan Shao: 袁紹 Yan Liang: 顔良 Qu Yi: 麹義
cavalry:近衛兵 archer: 射手  crossbowmen:孥弓手

参考吉川  英治 三国志第2巻:群星の巻:白馬将軍


ChapterVII : Yuan Shao Fights Gongsun Zan At River Pan: Sun Jian Attacks Liu Biao Across The Great River

Gongsun Zan fled for life. His bow and quiver dropped from his shoulders, his helmet fell off, and his hair streamed straight behind him as he rode in and out between the sloping hills. Then his steed stumbled and he was thrown, rolling over and over to the foot of the slope. Wen Chou was now very near and poising his spear for the thrust. Then suddenly came out from the shelter of a grassy mound on the left a general of youthful mien, but sitting his steed bravely and holding a sturdy spear. He rode directly at Wen Chou, and Gongsun Zan crawled up the slope to look on.

The new warrior was of middle height with bushy eyebrows and large eyes, a broad face and a heavy jowl, a youth of commanding presence. The two exchanged some fifty bouts and yet neither had the advantage. Then Gongsun Zan's rescue force came along, and Wen Chou turned and rode away. The warrior did not pursue.
Gongsun Zan hurried down the hill and asked the young fellow who he was.
He bowed low and replied, "My name is Zhao Zilong from Changshan. I first served Yuan Shao; but when I saw that he was disloyal to his prince and careless of the welfare of the people, I left him and I was on my way to offer service to you. This meeting in this place is most unexpected." Gongsun Zan was very pleased, and the two went together to the camp, where they at once busied themselves with preparations for a new battle.

Next day Gongsun Zan prepared for fight by dividing his army into two wings. He had five thousand cavalry in the center, all mounted on white horses. Gongsun Zan had formerly seen service against the northern frontier tribes, the Qiang Peoples, where he always placed his white horses in the van of his army, and thus he had won the sobriquet of General Who Commands White Horses. The tribes held him so much in fear that they always fled as soon as the white horses, their sacred creatures, appeared.

On Yuan Shao's side Yan Liang and Wen Chou were Leaders of the Van. Each had one thousand of archers and crossbowmen. They were set out half on either side, those on the left to shoot at Gongsun Zan's right and those on the right to shoot at his left. In the center was Qu Yi with eight hundred bowmen and ten thousand of foot and horse. Yuan Shao took command of the reserve force in the rear.










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