第七十二課: 孔明、張飛と関羽を従わせる
本文へジャンプ 人名編 
孔明(Zhuge Liang)はまだ若いこともあり、劉備軍内から十分に信任されているとはいえませんでした。特に我の強い関羽(Guan Yu)、張飛(Zhang Fei)をどう命令どおりに動かさせるかは孔明の悩みの種でした。夏侯惇(Xiahou Dun)の率いる曹操軍を前にし、孔明は劉備(Liu Bei)より(sword of authority)と(seal of office)を借りると自分の命令に背くことは主君の命に背くも同じと各将に指示を出します。張飛、関羽は納得したわけではないのですが、今回は様子を見ようとしぶしぶ孔明に従うことにするのでした。

Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮孔明 Liu Bei 劉備 Zhang Fei 張飛
Guan Yu 関羽 Liu Feng  劉封 Guan Ping 関平
Bowang 博望 Yushan Hill 予山  Anlin Forest 安林 
"the plans elaborated in a little chamber decide success over thousands of miles" 『はかりごとを帷幄の中にめぐらし、勝を千里の外に決す』(史記 高祖本紀より)

参考吉川英治「三国志」第4巻 、赤壁の巻:臨戦第一課


Chapter XXXIX: At Jingzhou The Son Of Liu Biao Thrice Begs Advice;
At Bowang Slope The Directing Instructor Plans His First Battle.



※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

"For method I rely on Zhuge Liang; but for action I put my faith in you, my brothers. Are you going to fail me?"

They went out, and Zhuge Liang was called.

"I fear your brothers will not obey me," said Zhuge Liang. "Wherefore, if I am to direct the campaign, you must give me a seal of office and a sword of authority."

So Liu Bei gave him both. Armed with these ensigns of power, Zhuge Liang assembled the officers to receive their orders.

"We will go just to see what he will do," said Zhang Fei to Guan Yu.

In the assembly Zhuge Liang spoke, saying, "On the left of Bowang are Yushan Hills. On the right is Anlin Forest. There we will prepare an ambush. Guan Yu will go to Yushan Hills with one thousand soldiers. He is to remain there quiescent till the enemy has passed; but when he sees a flame in the south, that will be the signal to attack. He will first burn their baggage train. Zhang Fei will go to a valley behind Anlin Forest. When he sees the signal, he is to go to the old stores depot at Bowang and burn that. Liu Feng and Guan Ping will take five hundred soldiers each to the south, prepare combustibles and be ready with them beyond Bowang Slope. The enemy will arrive about dusk, and then the two generals can start the blare. Zhao Yun, now recalled from Fancheng, is to lead the attack, but he is to lose and not win. And our lord is to command the reserve. See that each one obeys these orders and let there be no mistakes."

Then said Guan Yu, "All of us are to go out to meet the enemy, but I have not yet heard what you are going to do."

"I am going to guard the city."

Zhang Fei burst into a laugh, "We are to go out to bloody battle, and you are to stay quietly at home quite comfortable."

"Here is the sword and here the seal!" replied the strategist, displaying the emblems of authority. "Disobedience of orders will be death."

Liu Bei said, "Do you not understand that the plans elaborated in a little chamber decide success over thousands of miles? Do not disobey the command, my brothers."

Zhang Fei went out smiling cynically.

Guan Yu remarked, "Let us await the result. If he fails, then we can look to it."







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