本文へジャンプ 人名編 

劉表(Liu Biao)の息子、劉琦(Liu Qi)はある日、孔明(Zhuge Liang)を呼び出すと、継母から命を狙われているが助かる策はないかと計を請います。孔明は拒否しますが、劉琦は自ら命を絶とうとします。劉琦の覚悟の強さをみて、孔明はある故事をひもとくと、要衝である江夏(Jiang Xia)の守りにつくことで難を逃れられると告げます。ようやく物事は孔明の思惑通りに運び始めたのでした。

Liu Qi 劉琦  Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮孔明
Shen Sheng申生Chong Er 重耳 Huang Zu 黄祖
Jiang Xia 江夏 

参考吉川英治「三国志」第4巻 、赤壁の巻:蜂と世子


Chapter XXXIX: At Jingzhou The Son Of Liu Biao Thrice Begs Advice;
At Bowang Slope The Directing Instructor Plans His First Battle.



※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

The adviser went, and when he had reached the palace, dismounted, and was led in, Liu Qi conducted him into one of the inner rooms.

When the tea had been brought, Liu Qi said, "I am an object of my stepmother's dislike. Can you advise me what to do?"

"As a mere stranger guest, I can hardly have anything to do with your own 'bone and flesh' matters. If I did, and the story got abroad, much harm might ensue."

With this he rose to take leave.

But Liu Qi was unwilling to say farewell, and he said, "Your glory has turned in my direction. You cannot mean to go away so pointlessly."

Liu Qi led his visitor into a private chamber and had refreshments brought. While they ate and drank, Liu Qi repeated his first request: What was he to do since his stepmother disliked him.

"It is not the sort of thing I can advise in," replied Zhuge Liang, as he rose for the second time to take leave.

"Master, if you will not reply, that is well. But why incontinently leave me?"

So the adviser once more seated himself, and Liu Qi said, "There is an ancient writing I should like to show you."

And he led his visitor to a small upper room.

"Where is the writing?" said Zhuge Liang.

Instead of answering Liu Qi wept, saying, "My stepmother cannot bear me. My life is in danger. O Master, will you not say a word to save me?"

Zhuge Liang flushed and rose to go away. But he found the ladder by which they had mounted had been removed.

Again Liu Qi besought some advice, saying, "Master, you fear lest it may get abroad! Is that why you are silent? Here we are between earth and sky, and what you say will come out of your mouth directly into my ear. No other soul can hear. Now can you tell me what to do?"

"Sow not dissension among relatives," said Zhuge Liang. "Is it possible for me to make any plan for you?"

"Then is my life indeed in danger," said the young man. "I will die at your feet."

So saying, Liu Qi pulled out a dagger and threatened to make an end of himself.

Zhuge Liang checked him, saying, "There is a way."

"I pray you tell me."

"You have heard of the old tale of the brothers Shen Sheng and Chong Er*, have you not? Shen Sheng stayed at home and died; his brother Chong Er went away and lived in peace. Now that Huang Zu is gone and Jiangxia is weakly defended, why do you not ask to be sent there to guard it? Then you would be out of the way of harm."

Liu Qi thanked him. Then he called to his people to restore the ladder, and he escorted Zhuge Liang down to the level ground.







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