第六十七課: 甘寧、呉に投降する
本文へジャンプ 人名編 

呉(Wu)の孫権(Sun Quan)は父孫堅(Sun Jiang)の仇である黄祖(Huang Zu)を倒したいという宿願を果たせないでいました。そんな折、呂蒙(Lu Meng)より朗報がもたらされました。黄祖の配下の甘寧(Gan Ning)は黄祖に重用されないのが不満で呉へ投降の意思があるというのです。孫権はその知らせを喜び、呂蒙に甘寧と会見させるよう命じます。

Sun Quan 孫権 Lu Meng 呂蒙 Huang Zu 黄祖
Liu Biao 劉表 Su Fei 蘇飛 Ling Cao 凌操
Dragon Gorge 竜湫水口 LingJiang 臨江  Xiakou 夏口
Xuchuan brocade四川の錦..(.完訳三国志(岩波文庫)では蜀江の錦) Pirate with Silken Sails 錦帆の賊

参考吉川英治「三国志」第4巻 、赤壁の巻:鈴音


Chapter XXXVIII: Zhuge Liang Plans For The Three Kingdoms;
Sun Quan Attacks Xiakou To Take Revenges.


※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

Then came Commander Lu Meng who said to his master, "While I was at Dragon Gorge, one leader of Huang Zu, Gan Ning from Lingjiang, offered to surrender. I found out all about him. He is something of a scholar, is forceful, fond of wandering about as a fighter-errant. He assembled a band of outlaws with whom he roamed over the rivers and lakes, where he would terrorize everybody. He wore a bell at his waist, and at the sound of this bell everyone fled and hid. He fitted his boats with sails of Xichuan brocade, and people called him the 'Pirate with Silken Sails.'

"Then he reformed. He and his band went to Liu Biao, but they left him when they saw he would never accomplish anything, and now they would serve under your banner, only that Huang Zu detains them at Xiakou. Formerly when you were attacking Huang Zu, he owed the recovery of Xiakou to this same Gan Ning, whom he treated without liberality. When Commander Su Fei recommended Gan Ning for promotion, Huang Zu said, 'He is unsuited for any high position as, after all, he is no more than a pirate.'

"So Gan Ning became a disappointed and resentful man. Su Fei tried to win him over to good humor and invited him to wine parties and said, 'I have put your name forward many times, but our chief says he has no place suitable for you. However, time slips away and man's life is not very long. One must make the most of it. I will put you forward for the magistracy of Exian, whence you may be able to advance.'

"So Gan Ning got away from Xiakou and would have come to you then, but he feared that he would not be welcomed, since he had assisted Huang Zu and killed Ling Cao. I told him you were always ready to welcome able people and would nourish no resentment for former deeds. After all, every person was bound to do his best for his master. He would come with alacrity if he only felt sure of a welcome. I pray you express your pleasure."

This was good news for Sun Quan and he said, "With his help, I could destroy Huang Zu."

Then Sun Quan bade Lu Meng bring Gan Ning to see him.







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