本文へジャンプ 人名編 

 袁譚(Yuan Tan)を滅ぼした曹操(Cao Cao)軍は、袁熙(Yuan Xi)袁尚(Yuan Shang)を征伐すべく、遼東(Liaodong)まで追撃します。遼東を治めていた公孫康(Gongsun Kang)は、曹操の出方をうかがった上で袁兄弟の処遇を決めることとしました。公孫康は曹操に攻める意思がないと見るや、袁兄弟を招き入れるとすかさず2人の首をはねさせたのでした。病気のため参戦できなかった郭嘉(Guo Jia)はこの結末を予期していたのですが、この戦果を知ることもなく38の若さで亡くなってしまうのでした。

Yuan Shang 袁尚 Yuan Xi 袁熙
Gongsun Kang 公孫康 Gongsun Du 公孫度
Gongsun Gong 公孫恭 Yuan Shao 袁紹
Liaodong 遼東 Xiangping 襄平
Governor 大守  Warlike General 武威将軍

"Just as Guo Jia said!"

参考吉川英治「三国志」第4巻 孔明の巻:遼西、遼東


Chapter XXXIII A Gallant Warrior, Cao Pi Marries Lady Zhen;
An Expiring Star, Guo Jia Settles Liaodong

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

As has been related the two Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang escaped to the east with a few hundreds of horse. The Governor of Liaodong was a son of Gongsun Du the Warlike, the General of Han. Gongsun Kang was a native of Xiangping. When he heard that Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang were on their way to his territory, he called a council to decide upon his plan.

At the council Gongsun Gong rose, saying, "When Yuan Shao was alive, he nourished the plan of adding this territory to his own. Now his sons, homeless, with a broken army and no officers, are coming here. It seems to me like the dove stealing the magpie's nest. If we offer them shelter, they will assuredly intrigue against us.I advise that they be inveigled into the city, put to death, and their heads sent to Cao Cao, who will be most grateful to us."

Said the Governor Gongsun Kang, "I have one fear: Cao Cao will come against us. If so, it would be better to have the help of the Yuans against him."

" Then you can send spies to ascertain whether Cao Cao's army is preparing to attack us.If it is, then save the Yuans alive; if not, then follow my advice."

It was decided to wait till the spies came back.

In the meantime, Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang had taken counsel together as they approached Liaodong, saying, "Liaodong has a large army, strong enough to oppose Cao Cao. We will go thither and submit till we can slay the Governor and take possession.Then when we are strong enough, we will attack and recover our own land."

With these intentions they went into the city. They were received and lodged in the guests' quarters. But when they wished to see Gongsun Kang, he put them off with the excuse of indisposition.

However, before many days the spies returned with the news that Cao Cao's army was quiescent and there was no hint of any attack.

Then Gongsun Kang called Yuan Xi and Yuan Shang into his presence. But before they came he hid swordsmen and ax-men behind the arras in the hall. When the visitors came and had made their salutations, Gongsun Kang bade them be seated.

Now it was bitterly cold and on the couches where they were sitting were no coverings. So Yuan Shang said, "May we have cushions?"

The host said, "When your heads take that long, long journey, will there be any cushions?"

Before Yuan Shang could recover from his fright, Gongsun Kang shouted, "Why do you not begin?"

At this out rushed the assassins and the heads of the two brothers were cut off as they sat. Packed in a small wooden box they were sent to Cao Cao at Yezhou.

All this time Cao Cao had been calmly waiting. His impatient officers had petitioned in a body, saying, "Let's march to the capital to ward off Liu Biao's threat if we are not going to attack the east."

Cao Cao said, "I am waiting for the heads of the enemy. We will go as soon as the heads arrive."

In their secret hearts they laughed. But then, surely enough, messenger soon came from Liaodong bringing the heads. Then they were greatly surprised.

And when the messenger presented Gongsun Kang's letters, Cao Cao cried, "Just as Guo Jia said!"





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