第四十八課: 関羽、山賊周倉と出会う
本文へジャンプ 人名編 

(Yingyang)を通過した関羽(Guan Yu)は黄河の渡し(The Yellow River Ferry)を秦琪(Qin Qi)を斬り捨て突破し、劉備(Liu Bei)のいる汝南(Runan)へと向かいます。途中、山賊の一団に出くわしますが、関羽が名乗りを上げるとひれ伏し、関羽を日ごろ尊敬しているという周倉(Zhou Cang)という男を連れてきます。ぜひとも関羽にお仕えしたいという周倉の熱意に打たれた関羽は劉備の夫人の許しも得て、周倉一人だけを供に連れて行くこととします。

Zhou Cang 周倉 Lady Gan 甘夫人 
Liao Hua 廖化 Pei Yuanshao 裴元紹
Runan 汝南 
Yellow Scarves 黄巾党


☆☆周倉(Zhou Cang):
   Meeting you, General, is like seeing the full sun in the skies, and I feel that I can never bear to miss you again.

参考吉川英治「三国志」第4巻 孔明の巻:古城窟


ChapterXXVIII: Putting Cai Yang To Death, The Brothers' Doubts Disappear;
Meeting At Gucheng, Lord and Liege Fortify Each Other.

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

As they were talking, a troop of horsemen appeared in the distance. They belonged to Zhou Cang, as Pei Yuanshao said, and Guan Yu waited for them to approach. The leader was very dark complexioned, tall, and armed with a spear. As soon as he drew near enough to see, he exclaimed joyfully, "This is General Guan Yu!"

In a moment he had slipped out of the saddle and was on his knees by the roadside.

"Zhou Cang renders obeisance," said he.

Said Guan Yu, "O Warrior, where have you known me?"

" I was one of the Yellow Scarves, and I saw you then. My one regret was that I could not join you.Now that my good fortune has brought me here, I hope you will not reject me.Let me be one of your foot soldiers to be always near you to carry your whip and run by your stirrup. I will cheerfully die for you."

As he seemed thoroughly in earnest, Guan Yu said, "But if you follow me, what of your companions?"

"They may do as they please: Follow me or go their ways."

Thereupon they all shouted, "We will follow!"

Guan Yu dismounted and went to ask the ladies what they thought of this.

Lady Gan replied, " Brother-in-law, you have traveled thus far alone and without fighters; you have safely passed many dangers and never wanted their assistance.You refused the service of Liao Hua, why then suffer this crowd? But this is only a my view and you must decide."

"What you say, sister-in-law, is to the point."

Therefore returning to Zhou Cang, he said, " It is not that I am lacking in gratitude, but my sisters-in-law do not care for a large following.Wherefore return to the mountains till I shall have found my brother, when I will surely call you."

Zhou Cang replied, "I am only a rough uncouth fellow, wasting his life as a brigand. Meeting you, General, is like seeing the full sun in the skies, and I feel that I can never bear to miss you again. As it might be inconvenient for all my people to follow you, I will bid my companion lead them away, but I will come and follow you on foot wherever you go."

Guan Yu again asked his sisters-in-law what they thought of this. Lady Gan said one or two made no difference, and so Guan Yu consented.But Pei Yuanshao was not satisfied with this arrangement and said he wished also to follow.

Zhou Cang said, " If you do not stay with the band, they will disperse and be lost.You must take command for the moment and let me accompany General Guan Yu.As soon as he has a fixed abode, I will come to fetch you."

Somewhat discontentedly Pei Yuanshao accepted the situation and marched off, while his one-time colleague joined the train of Guan Yu, and they went toward Runan.





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