呂布(Lu Bu)にはやられっぱなしの曹操(Cao Cao)でしたが、自身が火傷を負ったのを逆手にとり、自分が死んだということにして偽葬儀を行います。呂布(Lu Bu)軍は首尾よくおびき出され謀略は成功。皮肉なことにこの両者の争いはイナゴ(locusts)の大発生によりしばらく休戦となります。

Cao Cao 曹操 Lu Bu 呂布 Guo Jia郭カ
Maling Hills 馬陵山 Puyang 濮陽 Shanyang Perforce 山陽郡
locusts いなご

参考吉川英治「三国志」第2巻 群星の巻、死活往来


Chapter XII: Tao Qian Thrice Offers Xuzhou To Liu Bei; Cao Cao retakes Yanzhou from Lu Bu

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。
Cao Cao returned to his camp. His officers crowded about his tent, anxious for news of his health. He soon recovered and laughed when he thought of his escape. "I blundered into that fool's trap, but I will have my revenge," said he. "Let us have a new plan soon," said Guo Jia. "I will turn his trick to my own use. I will spread the false report that I was burned in the fire, and that I died at the fifth watch. He will come to attack as soon as the news gets abroad, and I will have an ambush ready for him in Maling Hills. I will get him this time."

"Really a fine stratagem!" said Guo Jia. So the soldiers were put into mourning, and the report went everywhere that Cao Cao was dead. And soon Lu Bu heard it, and he assembled his army at once to make a surprise attack, taking the road by the Maling Hills to his enemy's camp. As he was passing the hills, he heard the drums beating for an advance, and the ambushing soldiers leapt out all round him. Only by desperate fighting did he get out of the melee and with a sadly diminished force returned to his camp at Puyang. There he strengthened the fortifications and could not be tempted forth to battle.

This year locusts suddenly appeared, and they consumed every green blade. There was a famine, and in the northeast grain rose to fifty strings of copper coins a cart. People even took to cannibalism. Cao Cao's army suffered from want, and he marched them to Juancheng. Lu Bu took his troops to Shanyang. Perforce therefore the fighting ceased.





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